Thursday, January 28, 2016

Welcome to the wonderful world of Autism

Hello and Welcome to the Autism Alternative blog! I am Donna Richards Author, mom of five boys and Autism Advocate. I look forward to getting to know all of you. We offer parent,teacher and sibling support and coaching. Making it easier to navigate the sometimes dark sea of Autism. Our motto is your child may have Autism but Autism does not have to have your child! I know right where you are, I have been there! When our two youngest sons were diagnosed with Autism our world changed forever! Our youngest Justin was classified as severe and profound. We were told he was mentally retarded, would never have speech and would have to go to an institution. We decided that day the only institution he would go to would be the University of Georgia! Today he is a happy healthy highly functioning very verbal 16 year old who insist he is going to the University of Alabama! ROLL TIDE JUSTIN !! We are here to help and to let you know there is a light at the end of the autism tunnel. It shines through your child's eyes every day! Until next time, Donna